two hundred Yuan.楼上那是两万块了。祝你生活顺利。本回答被网友采纳
1. We each have 200yuan.2. In which year were you born?3. Does he want to go on a trip/journey?4. She does often go to see a movie on weekends.
The price ranges from 100 to 200 yuan.
The most expensive one is 200 Yuan,the medium price is 180 Yuan,the cheapest one is 150Yuan.
SAY NINETY-ONE THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED YUAN ONLY人民币金额:玖万壹仟贰佰元整 注:英文写金额时常在金额前后分别加上SAY和ONLY,意思是“计.....整”,同时还可以防止别人在金额前后加减东西做手脚。
你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:.. .This brithday cake cost them 200 yuan.
You paid 200 in total on the day when you checked in .
它的价格不到200元Its price is less than 200 yuan希望采纳哦!