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My Hometown—Inner Mongolia
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today, I would like to introduce my beloved hometown—Inner Mongolia to all of you. It has been 57 years since the birth of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on May 1st, 1947. Dominated by the Mongolian nationality, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located on the northern frontier of China. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region occupies an area of 1.18 million square kilometers and has a population of about 20 million people who represent a score of different nationalities. Every time when people talk about Inner Mongolia, they’ll come down to the vast grassland. Yes, the Inner Mongolian prairie area makes up a quarter of the total grassland area of the country. On the boundless expanse of the Inner Mongolian prairie are living numerous sheep, Cattle and horses, on which our Mongolian have lived for generations. That is why the grassland is eulogized as “cradle of life”. There are two vast grasslands in my hometown—Hulun Buir Grasslands and Xilin Gol Grasslands which are both world-famous regions. People in Inner Mongolia are famous for their bravery, enthusiasm and hospitality. No mater where you are from, as long as you come to a herdsman’s house, you will be warmly entertained with roasted whole lamb and milk tea, and what’s more, you can also appreciate beautiful Mongolian songs and elegant dances. It is not exaggerating to say Mongolians are born singers and dancers. The moment you set your feet on the grassland areas you will discover it is indeed a real land of songs and dances.
Today’s Inner Mongolia still maintains her ethnic characteristics and at the dame time, she tries to keep pace with the development of the modern world. Ordus is a worldwide well-known brand, Yili and Mengniu are both the famous dairy industries, which have greatly improved the living standard of our Mongolian people. And I’m sure, our Mongolian people will make great effort to contribute to our hometown. As a college student, I know quite clearly that my mission is to master solid knowledge and one day do good to my beloved hometown.
请问 桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院 用英语应该怎么说?谢谢!
桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院 用英语是:Institute of Information Technology of Guet
The Milankovitch cycles describe how relatively slight changes in Earth's movement affect the planet's climate. The cycles are named for Milutin Milankovitch, a Serbian astrophysicist who began investigating the cause of Earth's ancient ice ages in the early 1900s, according to the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH).
Earth experienced it's most recent ice ages during the Pleistocene epoch, which lasted from 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago. For thousands of years at a time, even the more temperate regions of the globe were covered with glaciers and ice sheets, according to the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
To determine how Earth could experience such vast changes in climate over time, Milankovitch incorporated data about the variations of Earth's position with the timeline of the ice ages during the Pleistocene. He studied Earth's variations for the last 600,000 years and calculated the varying amounts of solar radiation due to Earth's changing orbital parameters. In doing so, he was able to link lower amounts of solar radiation in the high northern latitudes to previous European ice ages, according to AMNH.
Milankovitch's calculations and charts, which were published in the 1920s and are still used today to understand past and future climate, led him to conclude that there are three different positional cycles, each with its own cycle length, that influence the climate on Earth: the eccentricity of Earth's orbit, the planet's axial tilt and the wobble of its axis.
The Earth orbits the sun in an oval shape called an ellipse, with the sun at one of the two focal points (foci). Ellipticity is a measure of the shape of the oval and is defined by the ratio of the semiminor axis (the length of the short axis of the ellipse) to the semimajor axis (the length of the long axis of the ellipse), according to Swinburne University. A perfect circle, where the two foci meet in the center, has an ellipticity of 0 (low eccentricity), and an ellipse that is being squished to almost a straight line has an eccentricity of nearly 1 (high eccentricity).
The Earth's orbit slightly changes its eccentricity over the course of 100,000 years from nearly 0 to 0.07 and back again, according to NASA's Earth Observatory. When the Earth's orbit has a higher eccentricity, the planet's surface receives 20 to 30 percent more solar radiation when it's at perihelion (the shortest distance between the Earth and sun each orbit) than when it is at aphelion (the largest distance between the Earth and sun each orbit). When the Earth's orbit has a low eccentricity, there is very little difference in the amount of solar radiation that is received between perihelion and aphelion.
Today, the eccentricity of Earth's orbit is 0.017. At perihelion, which occurs on or around Jan. 3 each year, Earth's surface receives about 6 percent more solar radiation than at aphelion, which occurs on or around July 4.
Axial tilt
The tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the plane of its orbit is the reason that we experience seasons. Slight changes in the tilt changes the amount of solar radiation falling on certain locations of Earth, according to Indiana University Bloomington. Over the course of about 41,000 years, the tilt of the Earth's axis, also known as obliquity, varies between 21.5 and 24.5 degrees.
When the axis is at its minimal tilt, the amount of solar radiation doesn't change much between summer and winter for much of Earth's surface and therefore, seasons are less severe. This means that summer at the poles is cooler, which allows snow and ice to persist through summer and into winter, eventually building up into enormous ice sheets.
Today, the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees, and slowly decreasing, according to EarthSky.
Earth wobbles just slightly as it spins on its axis, similarly to when a spinning top begins to slow down. This wobble, known as precession, is primarily caused by the gravity of the sun and moon pulling on Earth's equatorial bulges. The wobble doesn't change the tilt of Earth's axis, but the orientation changes. Over about 26,000 years, Earth wobbles around in a complete circle, according to Washington State University.
Now, and for the past several thousands of years, Earth's axis has been pointed north more or less toward Polaris, also known as the North Star. But Earth's gradual precessional wobble means that Polaris isn't always the North Star. About 5,000 years ago the Earth was pointed more toward another star, called Thubin. And, in approximately 12,000 years, the axis will have traveled a bit more around its precession circle and will point toward Vega, which will become the next North Star.
As the Earth completes a precession cycle, the orientation of the planet is altered with respect to perihelion and aphelion. If a hemisphere is pointed toward the sun during perihelion (shortest distance between Earth and sun), it will be pointed away during aphelion (largest distance between Earth and sun), and the opposite is true for the other hemisphere. The hemisphere that's pointed toward the sun during perihelion and away during aphelion experiences more extreme seasonal contrasts than the other hemisphere.
Currently, the southern hemisphere's summer occurs near perihelion and winter near aphelion, which means the southern hemisphere experiences more extreme seasons than the northern hemisphere.
1. 地球形状和轨道变化
2. 地轴倾斜
3. 旋进运动
TPO17L2 Milankovitch Hypothesis
variationn. 变化,差异
orbitn. 轨道;v. 绕……轨道而行
solar energy太阳能
ellipticaladj. 椭圆形的;(语言)难懂、晦涩的
consistentadj. 一贯的,一致的
axis tilt地轴倾斜,斜轴
rotationn. 旋转,循环,轮流
processionn. 行进
beyond one’s scope超出…范围;为…力所不及
skepticaladj. 怀疑的
oceanographern. 海洋学家
deposit n.沉淀物
calciten. 钙
受儒家小说教化观的影响,中国古代小说与政治的关系历来就很密切,政治影响小说家的创作,小说创作辅翼政治运作,至唐宋时期,这种关系更为突出,唐宋传奇作家不仅“具有强烈的历史意识和政治忧患意识”(李剑国 韩瑞亚1),而且还把小说创作当作攻击政敌的武器,胡应麟指出:
作者也反对袁崇焕杀毛文龙,认为袁崇焕是罪有应得,“怎怪得京城百姓生啖崇焕的肉”。当涉及某些敏感史实时,作者也有所忌讳。如冯铨先是谄事魏忠贤,助纣为虐,后又降清,官至宏文院大学士兼礼部尚书。其人格之卑劣, 为时人所不齿。但作者说冯铨与崔呈秀不是一路人,“他极恨崔呈秀这班人所为,在阁议事,竟自执己见,每每为了公义,有所救阻。又与呈秀原是同科中的,知道他贪戾不法,必然败坏朝廷,密谋要逐呈秀。”
5、余 论
《小说的艺术 :亨利·詹姆斯文论选》亨利·詹姆斯指出“正如图画之为现实,小说就是历史”。(享利·詹姆斯6)他们的观点虽然有偏执之嫌,但在某种程度上道出了文学与历史之间存在无法剥离的内在关联性。
1参见纪德君:“明清小说创作中的浊流”,《中国典籍与文化》4( 2003) : 72—77,该文认为《正统传》出现在《于少保萃忠全传》之后;董国炎认为当在《于少保萃忠全传》之后或同时,参见董国炎:《明清小说思潮》(太原:山西人民出版社,2004年),第395页;陈汝衡则认为《正统传》成书时间在《于少保萃忠全传》之前,参见陈汝衡:《说苑珍闻》(上海古籍出版社,1981 年),第70页; 苗怀明具体落实为天顺元年至成化二年之间(1457—1466 年),他还猜测是石、曹之党所为。参见苗怀明:“几部描写于谦事迹的古代通俗小说考论”,《明清小说研究》2( 2000):191—206。笔者认为《正统传》不太可能在石、曹处死、于谦平反之后完成。
② 苗怀明《几部描写于谦事迹的通俗小说考论》认为还 有另一种描写于谦事迹的小说《萃忠录》,与《于少保萃忠 全传》并非一书,作者为郎瑛,大约在嘉靖年间成书。
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谭德塞:新冠病毒仍是头号公敌 太多国家正朝着错误的方向前进
The coronavirus pandemic will get "worse and worse" if governments fail to take more decisive action, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.
Director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said "too many countries [were] headed in the wrong direction".
Cases were rising where proven measures were not adopted or followed, he added.
The Americas are the current epicentre of the pandemic. The US has seen a rise in cases amid tensions between health experts and President Donald Trump.
The US, the worst affected country, has over 3.3 million confirmed cases and more than 135,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.
At a briefing in Geneva on Monday, Dr Tedros said "mixed messages from leaders" were undermining public trust in attempts to bring the pandemic under control.
"The virus remains public enemy number one, but the actions of many governments and people do not reflect this," he said.
Dr Tedros said measures such as social distancing, hand washing, and wearing masks in appropriate situations needed to be taken seriously, warning that there would be "no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future".
"If the basics aren't followed, there is only one way this pandemic is going to go," Dr Tedros said, adding: "It's going to get worse and worse and worse."
Dr Mike Ryan, the WHO's emergencies director, said the easing of some lockdown measures in the Americas and the opening up of some areas had led to "intense transmission".
Latin America has confirmed more than 145,000 coronavirus-related deaths, though the number is believed to be higher because of insufficient testing.
Half of the deaths were in Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro has opposed strict measures to curb the spread of the virus.
Dr Ryan said closing down large regions would have huge economic consequences, but that local lockdowns in specific places might be necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus.
He urged governments to implement clear and "strong" strategies, adding: "Citizens have to understand, and it has to be easy for them to comply."
"We need to learn to live with this virus," Dr Ryan said, warning that expectations that the virus could be eradicated, or that an effective vaccine could be ready, within months were "unrealistic".
He said it was not yet known whether recovering from the coronavirus would lead to immunity, or, if it did, how long that immunity would last.
A separate study released on Monday by scientists at King's College London suggested that immunity to the virus may be short-lived.
Scientists at the college studied 96 people to understand how the body naturally fights off the virus by making antibodies, and how long these last in the weeks and months after recovery.
However, while almost all of those who participated had detectable antibodies that could neutralise and stop coronavirus, levels began to wane over the three months of the study.
At the WHO briefing, health experts also said there was evidence to suggest that children under the age of 10 were only very mildly affected by Covid-19, while those over 10 seemed to suffer similar mild symptoms to young adults.
To what extent children can transmit the virus, while it appears to be low, remains unknown.
让英语流利的三种方式 3 Ways to Become MORE FLUENT in English
Well hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!
I'm super excited to share this video with you today.
I want to challenge your thinking about fluency.
What does it mean to be fluent in English?
And are you actually more fluent than you think? . . . . . .
Before we get started I just want to thank the sponsor of today's lesson, Skillshare.
Now I mentioned Skillshare a few weeks ago, in this lesson here.
They're an online learning platform with lots of free classes but through their Premium Membership, you can access thousands of amazing classes taught by expert teachers across so many different areas.
It's mind-blowing really, just how many different courses there are.
I've taken three classes already.
I took one in productivity because I need as much help as I can get in that area.
But I'm completely hooked on baking.
I've never baked my own bread before but I've taken two classes about bread-making on Skillshare and I'm getting pretty good at it now.
I learned so much about the baking process and it's actually easier than you think.
Now, taking a course relating to your interest in English is an awesome way to build your fluency around topics that you love and Skillshare is the perfect place to do that.
It's super affordable, a premium membership will cost you as little as ten dollars a month on their annual plan.
But Skillshare have given us a special deal today.
The first five hundred mmmEnglish viewers who sign up with a credit card using the link in the description will get two whole months of premium access to all their courses.
It's unlimited!
You can take as many classes as you want!
We're so grateful to Skillshare for offering this deal and giving you yet another way to practise your English skills.
So quickly! Get down there and grab that link before someone else does!
All right. Back to the lesson.
Today I've got three ways to increase your English fluency, but first and this is a very important question.
What does fluency mean to you?
Now it's tricky because if I asked five of you, I'm sure I'd hear five completely different answers.
这个问题并不简单, 如果我问你们其中五个人的话,我敢肯定肯定会听到五个完全不同的回答。
What does it mean to be fluent in English? What do you think?
I want you to write me a comment below.
Tell me your opinion about this question.
For some people, fluency is being able to have a normal conversation with a native speaker.
Small talk, general topics like work, where you're from, your family - that kind of thing.
But for others, fluency relates to tests and exams.
A certain level that you need to achieve before you can enter a university or apply for a visa. And that's okay too!
But it's really important that you answer this question.
When you say "I want to be fluent in English" what do you actually want to be able to do?
Really think about your answer.
I'm pushing you to do this.
I want you to join in on this discussion, be part of the conversation today here my friend.
Don't just watch, I want you to participate.
. . . . . . So for me, fluency is a mix of ability: reading, writing, listening, speaking skills and confidence.
Confidence to stay in an English conversation.
To me, fluency doesn't mean that you're an advanced English user.
It could but it doesn't necessarily mean that. In my opinion, someone who's fluent in English can maintain a conversation and feel reasonably relaxed while they're doing it.
Their tone and their pace is comfortable.
They don't hesitate too often.
They should be able to speak words and also express their feelings through their facial expression.
And importantly, they should be able to talk themselves around their mistakes, correct themselves if they need to.
The more confident that someone is speaking English, the more relaxed they are, right?
They're comfortable in the language even if it's not a hundred per cent perfect.
So with my definition of fluency, someone who is an intermediate level student, could be fluent in English because fluency is about having the skills that you need to communicate comfortably and effectively but not perfectly.
So I wonder if our ideas of fluency are slightly different.
You might completely disagree with me and that's okay as long as you know what English fluency means to you.
Okay we've all agreed that your own definition of fluency is completely acceptable here.
And now that you know that definition, it's time for us to talk about some ways that you can increase your fluency.
Firstly, I want you to worry less about accuracy.
Now for some of you, this might not be such a new idea.
Maybe you don't worry too much about your mistakes and that's perfect.
But stay with me because I've got some other strategies coming up later in the lesson.
But for most of you, this idea might seem a little crazy especially if you've studied English at school or at a university.
Everything that we are taught there is about getting it right and if it's not right, it's wrong. You have to prove your ability by passing an exam.
Well, life is nothing like an exam so I want you to forget all of that when you're thinking about fluency.
As your teacher, helping you to become more confident as an English speaker, you need to change the way that you think about accuracy when you're speaking in English.
Now I'm not talking about writing in English here, I'm talking about speaking.
You know that there are many different ways to say the same thing, right?
And if you make a mistake when you're speaking, you just need to learn how to loop yourself around in that conversation and fix it.
You don't need to feel worried or ashamed, it happens to me, to native speakers all the time too.
All you need to do is feel confident that you can fix the mistakes that you make.
If you're too focused on the mistakes that you're making and you're constantly questioning yourself in your head during your conversation, this is going to hold you back because if you're too afraid or you're too worried to even start speaking, how are you supposed to get any practice, right?
So try to focus less on the mistakes that you're making and focus more on communicating your message clearly. This is going to help you to relax and focus on the positives of your conversation.
Yes I am talking about your mindset here. I'm talking about changing the way that you think about yourself.
Now that is easier to say than it is to do, I know but the reason why I want you to shift your mindset on accuracy is because you need to start exposing yourself to English in real situations, right?
So that you can get comfortable being flexible with the language.
It's what native speakers do all the time, right?
We make up words to express our ideas we end and we twist the tenses a little if we make a mistake but it doesn't really affect the meaning of our sentence.
Well we might not bother to fix it, who cares when you're speaking to, you know, friends and family in particular so don't get too caught up on accuracy.
Now the next thing I want you to think about is focus on the English that you need to use.
Now there's two different ways to think about this.
The first way is to think really broadly about English as a language.
The reality of English or any language is that there are thousands and thousands of words yet, only a percentage of those are used frequently in daily conversation and I'm talking about native English speakers here, not English learners.
An average native English speaker actively uses around ten to twelve per cent of English words.
That's their active vocabulary, words that they use to express themselves when they write and they speak. Now this is the full vocabulary that they use out in the world but satisfies their need to communicate in every part of their life.
Now this same average native speaker keeps about twenty-three to twenty-four per cent of English words in their passive vocabulary which means that, you know, their words that they read and they listen to and they understand but they don't really use them themselves.
There is a percentage of English words that you need to know and understand and I invite you to focus on more specific and useful parts of English rather than feeling completely overwhelmed by this really huge and complicated language.
To put it simply, if you know ten per cent of English words, you'll be as good as a native English speaker. So break that down for yourself, you know.
Focus on the first one thousand words then move on to the next three thousand, five thousand.
I've shared some really useful links about this in the description box below so if you're interested in getting word lists and the most common uses of words, grab the links in the description.
Now the second way to think about this is to think more specifically about how you use English.
So become fluent in that particular area of English. Be an English expert in the space that you need to use it.
So if you're a freelance graphic designer or a web developer and you want to work with international clients, you need to become fluent in that area, in your area of expertise.
What are the conversations that you're going to have with those clients?
What topics do you need to discuss? What words do you need to express your ideas?
Now this is exactly the English that you need to focus on and this translates directly into your interests and your hobbies as well.
If you're passionate about photography or growing vegetables or flying drones, you want to be able to talk about those things in English too, right?
You'll want to meet other English speakers who are also interested in those things. So focus on the vocabulary and the expressions that you need to do this.
You need to find your people, others who are as passionate as you are. You need to join online groups and communities or even meet up in person if you can.
Grab the Skillshare trial that I mentioned at the start of this lesson.
Just take all of the courses in photography, learn as much as you can about the things that you love.
You'll be able to listen to native speakers talking about the topic.
You'll learn new words and expressions and ways of talking about your interests, right?
You need to expose yourself to that particular type of English.
Now the fastest way to increase your fluency is undoubtedly, to live in an English-speaking country where you're surrounded by it, where you can immerse yourself but if you haven't got that opportunity to do that, well the next best thing is to surround yourself with English through courses, through programs, through communities.
Now if you really want to improve your fluency in a particular area, then find a tutor to work with you and specifically ask them to practise roleplays.
Now a roleplay is when you pretend that you're in a particular situation. It's like you're acting, you pretend that you're doing something, you're speaking the English that you would need to use in that situation.
Now my fiance Shah, did this brilliantly when we were studying in Spain.
All he really wanted to be able to do in Spanish was speak to the butchers at the markets about the jamón, the regions, the pigs, what they were fed, what problems the farmers faced - that kind of thing.
他就是想要西班牙语来和市场的小贩子说话,讨论一下火腿啊, 地区啊,猪猪啊,喂他们什么,农民面临着什么问题——就是这些。
He needed to know how to talk about very specific topics so he asked his tutor to roleplay with him.
She had to pretend that she was the butcher and have conversations with him about pigs and they practised again and again and again.
His tutor was wonderful but I'm sure she thought he was crazy. But after six weeks of practising, Shah went from being basically a beginner to being fluent in butcher Spanish which is completely hilarious but seriously, thinking about how this strategy could supercharge your English in a particular area, could be a really useful tool for you.
I mean you can apply this to any area. If you work at a hotel, and you need to be able to speak to customers who are staying at the hotel in English, you really need to be fluent in a few very specific things.
You need to be fluent in giving good directions.
You need to be fluent in offering assistance, you need to be fluent in helping them to pay their bill, that kind of thing.
You don't need to know a whole lot of vocabulary about economics and finance and farming.
It's absolutely possible to be fluent in the English that you need.
And reasonably quickly too.
If you can focus on the English that you need to be fluent in and that is what you should be working towards, right?
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that shifting the way that you think about fluency can make it seem more achievable, right?
Now I want you to tell me in the comments what do you want to be English fluent in?
What specific areas?
I might be able to make some extra vocabulary lessons to help, particularly if lots of people are asking around those topics.
I really hope that this lesson was helpful for you.
I hope that you kept your mind open and we stayed curious through the lesson, allowing yourself to think of some of these different ideas, even if they sound a little different and I really encourage you to keep these different ideas in mind if you want to increase your fluency in English or in any language, then you need to think specifically about what you need and take action.
经济学人阅读|科技栏目 Million-mile car batteries are coming
08.04|经济学人阅读|科技栏目 Million-mile car batteries are coming
经济学人The Economist是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本于每周五向全球发行,编辑部位于伦敦,创办于1843年9月。
今天给大家分享的是经济学人2020年8月1日期刊中科技栏目的第一篇:Million-mile car batteries are coming。
Million-mile car batteries are coming
AS EVERY MOBILE-PHONE owner knows, after a year or so the battery starts to fade and the beast needs recharging more frequently. That is a nuisance, but a phone’s batteries can be replaced fairly cheaply—or the whole handset traded in for the latest model. An electric car, however, is a much bigger investment. And batteries are its priciest component, representing around 30% of an average mid-size vehicle. Apart from increasing the risk of running out of juice and leaving a driver stranded, a deteriorating battery quickly destroys a car’s second-hand value.
每一个智能手机的用户都知道,手机使用了一年之后,电池容量会开始缩小,需要更频繁地充电。 这是个很麻烦的事情,但是更换手机的电池十分便宜且方便,或者可以换一台最新型号的手机。然而,电动汽车是一项更大的投入。电池是一辆电动车最值钱的组件,大约占了一辆普通中型车辆价值的30%。电池的不断老化不仅会增加驾驶员在电池用尽后陷入困境的风险,还会迅速破坏汽车的二手价值。
To provide buyers with some peace of mind, carmakers guarantee their batteries, typically for eight years or around 200,000km. Producers are now, though, planning to go much further than that, with the launch of “million mile” (1.6m kilometre) batteries. Zeng Yuqun, the boss of Contemporary Amperex Technology, a giant Chinese firm which produces batteries for a number of carmakers, said in June that his company was ready to start manufacturing batteries which would last for 16 years or 2m kilometres. Elon Musk has hinted that Tesla, a Californian maker of electric vehicles of which he is boss, has a million-mile battery in the works. Rumours suggest this could be unveiled in September. And over in Detroit, General Motors (GM) is in the final stages of developing an advanced battery which it says has similar longevity.
为了使购买者安心,汽车制造商通常会承诺保修电池8年或20万公里。不过,生产商现在正计划进一步研发推出可以行驶“百万英里”(160万公里)电池。一家为多家汽车制造商生产电池的中国大型企业——当代安培科技的老板曾玉群在6月表示,他的公司已做好准备开始生产寿命长达16年或200万公里的电池。 加利福尼亚电动汽车制造商特斯拉的老板伊隆·马斯克暗示,特斯拉正在开发里程达一百万英里的电池。 有传言称这可能会在9月揭晓。 在底特律,通用汽车正处于开发高级电池的最后阶段,据说该电池也具有这么长的使用寿命。
“It’s a great catchphrase; the million-mile battery,” says George Crabtree, director of the Joint Centre for Energy Storage Research at Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago. “But the fact you can drive a million miles may not be the most relevant parameter to look at.” Thrash a car and its battery will deteriorate faster. Regular fast-charging also reduces battery life, as do overcharging and deep discharging. Driving in extremely hot or cold weather does not help either. And battery life will diminish even if you just leave the car in the garage. The real point of a million-mile battery is that the technological advances required to make it possible will deal with these things as well.
“这是一个很好的口号; 里程数可达百万英里的电池。”位于芝加哥附近的阿贡国家实验室联合储能研究中心主任乔治·克拉布特里说道:“但是,您可以行驶一百万英里这一事实可能并不是要最需要考虑的相关参数。” 汽车被废弃后,其电池会老化得更快。定期的快速充电、过度充电和深度放电也会缩短电池寿命。 在极热或极冷的天气下驾驶也无济于事。即便您只是将汽车停放在车库,电池的寿命也会减少。里程数达一百万英里的电池的真正意义在于,为了实现这一目标的科技进步将能解决这些问题。
The lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries which power electric cars age in two ways: with time and with use. Battery-makers call time-dependent ageing “calendar ageing”. It is a consequence of the gradual degradation of some of the materials employed in battery construction. This degradation reduces a battery’s ability to hold a charge—though even here it is possible to ameliorate the problem to a certain extent. Leaving a car with a fully rather than partly charged battery, for example, can increase the rate of calendar ageing.
为电动汽车提供动力的锂离子电池有两种老化方式:随着时间和使用时间的增长。 电池制造商称与时间相关的老化为“时间老化”。 这是电池构造中使用的某些材料逐渐老化的结果。这种老化会降低电池的充电能力,尽管在这种情况下,也可以在一定程度上改善这一问题。例如,让电池完全充满而不是只充一部分电可以增加时间老化的概率。
Use-dependent ageing is a consequence of the number of discharge-recharge cycles a battery goes through. It is caused by the complex chemical reactions that take place when a battery is operating. Some of these are essential to a battery’s job of storing and releasing energy. “But there are also side reactions that you can’t stop and some of those are harmful,” explains Dr Crabtree.
As a battery discharges, lithium ions (lithium atoms with an electron missing) are created at one electrode, the anode. These then shuttle through a liquid electrolyte to a second electrode, the cathode. The electrons stripped away at the anode, meanwhile, travel towards the cathode along an external electrical circuit, which powers the car. Ions and electrons are reunited at the cathode and remain there until the battery is plugged into a charger and the process is reversed.
与使用相关的老化是电池经过多次充放电循环的结果。 这是由电池工作时发生的复杂化学反应引起的。 其中一些化学反应对于电量的存储和释放至关重要。 克拉布特里博士解释说:“但是,还有一些副反应是你无法阻止的,其中一些是有害的。”
随着电池放电,锂离子(缺少电子的锂原子)在一个阳极处产生。 然后它们通过液体电解质穿梭到阴极。 同时,在阳极处剥离的电子沿着外部电路向阴极移动,从而为汽车供电。 离子和电子在阴极重新结合,并保持在那里,直到将电池插入充电器并逆转该过程为止。
Each cycle of discharge and recharge takes its toll. Lithium is so highly reactive that stopping it getting tied up in other chemical compounds while a battery is in use is hard. Even a small amount of diversion per cycle adds up, reducing the amount of the element available to store energy. On top of this, charging up faster than ions can be absorbed by the anode may result in a layer of lithium “plating” building up on the anode’s surface, reducing its storage capacity.
Plating becomes yet more of a problem if it leads to the development of structures called dendrites. These are small, finger-like fibres which project into the electrolyte from points on the anode where plating is especially elevated. If a dendrite reaches the cathode the battery will short-circuit, causing it to heat up rapidly and possibly catch fire. Other side reactions can have similarly adverse consequences.
放电和充电的每个循环都会对电池的电量造成损失。锂具有很高的反应活性,因此很难在电池使用过程中阻止它与其他化合物融合在一起。 即使每个过程中减少的锂的数量加起来,可用于存储能量的元素数量也就减少了。最重要的是,充电速度快于离子被阳极吸收的速度,这可能会导致在阳极表面堆积一层锂“镀层”,从而降低电池的存储容量。
It is difficult to generalise about the extent to which these processes reduce a battery’s lifetime. Not only does it depend on how that battery is used, but also how it is made. Li-ion cells come in different forms and a variety of chemistries, some of which have not been around long enough in cars for people to know for sure how long they will last. Nor is there any independent testing, says Dr Crabtree.
Nevertheless, the industry has a few rules of thumb. Once a battery’s capacity falls below 80% of its starting value, it is generally thought no longer suitable for use in vehicles. Some reckon that, on average, Li-ion batteries lose 2% of their capacity a year. This may not seem much, but by the time a vehicle is six years old it could mean it is halfway through its useful life.
Battery technology is improving all the time. As a consequence, so are calendar and use-dependent lifetimes. Getting direct experience of how electric cars are used is helping researchers come up with ways to mitigate some of the side reactions, says Tim Grewe, the head of GM’s electrification strategy. The company employs remote, “telematic” monitoring to keep track of how batteries are performing in its cars, and also takes back some batteries from high-mileage drivers and those living in extreme environments, such as deserts and mountainous regions, for analysis.
Dealing with impurities which get into batteries helps to extend their lives. Water, for example, reacts with salts in the electrolyte to form an acid, which attacks the electrodes. To prevent this, GM has developed an additive made from a type of material called a zeolite. Zeolites are molecular sponges. GM’s version serves to mop up any moisture which enters a battery cell.
电池技术一直在进步。 因此,时间老化和与使用老化的寿命也在延长。 通用汽车电气化战略负责人蒂姆格雷威表示,获得使用电动汽车的直接经验有助于研究人员找到减缓某些副反应的方法。该公司采用“远程”监测功能来跟踪电池在汽车中的运行情况,并从高里程驾驶员和生活在沙漠和山区等极端环境中的驾驶员那里取回一些电池进行分析。
处理电池中的杂质有助于延长其寿命。例如,水与电解质中的盐会发生化学反应形成酸,从而腐蚀电极。 为了防止这种情况发生,通用汽车开发了由一种被称为沸石的材料制成的添加剂。沸石是分子海绵。他可以清除电池中的水分。
Adding a little aluminium to a nickel-cobalt-manganese cathode, a type that is widely used in Li-ion batteries, saves on cobalt, the most expensive ingredient in a battery. But the aluminium delivers other benefits as well, adds Mr Grewe. It boosts the battery’s energy density, meaning a car can travel farther on a single charge. It also makes the battery last longer.
GM will be using these cathodes in a new battery, called Ultium, that it has developed in partnership with LG Chem, a South Korean firm. Ultium batteries, production of which is planned to start next year at a factory in Ohio, should provide electric cars with single-charge ranges of 650km or more. That compares with the 400km range which might these days reasonably be expected from a mid-size electric car. Asked if the Ultium is a million-mile battery, Mr Grewe replied, “Many customers could get that.”
通用汽车将在与韩国公司LG Chem合作开发的一种新型电池Ultium,其电池中就会使用这些阴极。他们计划于明年在俄亥俄州的工厂开始生产的铀电池,能为电动汽车提供650km或更长的续航里程。相比之下,期望中型电动汽车实现400公里的续航里程才是合理的。当被问及Ultium是否是可以达到一百万英里里程数的电池时,格雷威先生回答说:“许多客户都能得到它。”
As a marketing device, the million-mile battery will give electric-car buyers—even those never likely to put a million miles on the clock—more confidence that their batteries are robust. But some users might truly desire a lifetime range that great.
Jeff Dahn, who leads a group of battery researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, who are sponsored by Tesla, points out that autonomous electric vehicles like “robo taxis” could clock up vast mileages by operating around the clock. So, too, would long-haul lorries and electric buses. And some cars may end up being more than just means of transport. Plans are afoot to let electric-vehicle owners connect their jalopies to the grid in a way that will store surplus electricity generated in times of plenty by wind and sunshine and release it during hours of peak demand, with the owner collecting a fee for doing so. That means these grid-buffering vehicles will be racking up lots of charging cycles even when they are not moving.
由特斯拉赞助的加拿大哈利法克斯的达尔豪西大学(Dalhousie University)电池研究小组的负责人杰夫·戴恩指出:诸如“无人出租车”之类的自动驾驶电动汽车可以通过昼夜不停地行驶来获得更大的行驶里程。长途卡车和电动巴士也是如此。而且有些汽车最终可能不只是交通工具。他们正在制定计划,使电动汽车的所有者将自己的jalopies连接到电网,从而可以存储在日照充足时产生的多余电力,并在需求高峰时段将其释放,并可为此收取费用。这意味着这些车辆即使不行驶也将产生很多的充电周期。
Nor are million-mile batteries the limit of engineers’ aspirations. The next objective is to replace Li-ions’ liquid electrolytes with solid ones. That would keep the ions under stricter control and allow even longer driving ranges. This could make a two-million-mile battery a feasible objective. If that day comes, the tables would have been turned. From being the first part of a car to fail, its battery will have become the last.
里程数达百万英里的电池并不是工程师追求的极限。他们的下一个目标是用固体电解质代替锂离子液体电解质。 这将让离子受到更严格的控制,并提供更长的行驶距离。这可能使里程数达200万英里的电池成为可行的目标。 如果那一天到来,汽车行业将会被改写。电动汽车的电池将从汽车被废弃的第一个组件,成为最后一个。
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